Brescia prepares for We Love Castello, here are the events already announced

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    Brescia. Once again this year, the Brescia Castle will experience a summer season full of events, with a rich calendar of proposals from 23 May to 8 September. The organisation of We Love Castello is made up of Palcogiovani, Kitchen Events and 94 Investimenti, which once again this year won the tender of Fondazione Brescia Musei.


    Events aimed at young people and families with many new features, first and foremost the opening of the newly restored Fossa Viscontea.
    This year the main stage of the Bastion will be set up for large festivals only. Daily events will take place in the new multifunctional space created in the Fossa, which will, among other things, reduce noise emissions.
    Belvedere 030, the FoodTruck Village in Piazzale della Locomotiva, will be open from Monday to Friday from 6pm to midnight, Saturday and Sunday from 11am to midnight. The turnover of four-wheeled kitchens will be even more varied, with craft beers and ever-changing menus. Various food and wine events are also planned.

    we love castello

    Sinapsi will collaborate with university associations for the Parallel Festival, which this year will host Assurditè, the Barkee bay and the producer of Madame Estremo.
    Link – Students Connection, the students’ festival, will return, as well as BS COS COM- Cosplay Festival, 4Quarti with its 80 musicians and the electronic stage within the walls of the Castle.
    Also present will be Latteria Molloy with three important dj-sets and Soleil, which will bring two great djs from the international scene to the Castle: Joshwa from London and Andruss from Mexico, icons of electronic music and protagonists of El Row and other important festivals.
    Brand new for 2024 is the partnership with Fever Entertainment, with the four candlelight concerts Candle Light. Silent Party, a zero-noise party, and Waikiki parties every Wednesday.
    Other events are already set (but not yet announced due to contractual issues) and others are in the planning stage.
    It will end on a high note with the third edition of Epicentro Music Festival, organised with Cipiesse: Rose Villain and Dargen D’Amico have already been announced.

    mostra sogni di gloria Castello di Brescia

    There are also many events organised by Fondazione Brescia Musei in the Castle’s green spaces: recreational-educational activities for children, families and adults, art workshops and guided tours. Highly anticipated is the Summer camp, which from 10 June to 6 September will bring two formats dedicated to boys and girls aged 6 to 11.
    Initiatives also among the collections of the Museo del Risorgimento Leonessa d’Italia and at the Museo delle Armi Luigi Marzoli, digital experiences with ArtGlass, and a plunge into the medieval world with Geronimo Stilton.
    July will see the opening of the new exhibition dedicated to Brescian artist Giuseppe Bergomi in the spaces of the Grande Miglio and the cloisters of the Santa Giulia Museum.

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